Senin, 23 September 2013

The Federal Reserve put off tightening monetary stimulus

The world economy is entering a new phase. Developed economies strengthened though not as expected. As for economic growth in developing countries slowed. Towards the new equilibrium.

Economies in developed countries, an indication of a more positive, although not as fast as expected. U.S. economy improving, though still fragile. Europe has gradually recovered, although slightly negative growth. While Japan remained steady at 2 percent growth rate.

Meanwhile, developing countries, especially in the Asia Pacific region accounted for 50 percent of world gross domestic product, at greater risk. This is mainly related to policy changes at the level of the world and domestic challenges each country.

Export demand coming from developed countries and China ngara, estimates it will slow down. China itself is changing its previous strategy of economic growth depends on exports and investment. It's all going to affect the economy with a highly export structure dominated natural resource-based commodities.

If you want to improve competitiveness so need to diversify exports, meaning the ability to expand the industry to be very important. It desperately needs a policy in upstream and infrastructure including policies to facilitate funding.


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