Also it should be noted that the increase in base money which is produced by the QE does not always increase the aggregate money supply because banks can keep the cash provided by the Central Bank in the liquidity reserve. In other words tapering off monetary (quantitative easing) can only change the structure of the money supply reduces the portion of the money that has been "printed" by a fractional reserve bank, this is a way to bind account / bank deposit that is returned to the real money without increasing the amount of money.
The rupiah against the U.S. dollar (U.S.) is predicted to continue to weaken as long as there is no certainty about the stimulus reduction / tapering off monetary (quantitative easing) by the U.S. central bank the Federal Reserve.
But does quantitative easing affect the forex trader? Remember, in trading on the alternative trading systems such as online forex trading transactions can be done in two ways.
If a trader has predicted that the dollar would have weakened the position taken by a trader is to open a BUY to open its trade transactions. Vice versa if predicted that the dollar would have strengthened the position is opened with open SELL.
That was his special trade on forex trading online, while other currencies weakened or strengthened the trader can take advantage of the moment. Can be summed up as special online forex trading transactions is then Quantitative Easing does not affect the forex trader. Source : williampercent
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